These versions are all available to give you maximum flexibility, as everyone's learning/teaching scenario is different. Instructions + 3 pages of cards with verb (4 up on a page) and 3 pages of cards with just the image (4 up on a page) Simon Says is a memory game where Simon outputs a sequence of 10 characters (R, G, B, Y) and the user must repeat the sequence.
This activity is featured on our instagram where we provide a daily tip to keep playtime fresh, fun, and full of learning moments. This is a great partner or group activity that helps 4-5 year olds build thinking skills and follow directions. Instructions + 12 cards with verb (1 up on a page) and 12 cards with just the image (1 up on a page) Simon Says - Draw Set Up Time: Under 5 min Activity Time: 20-30 min Mess Level: Low. The middle level includes some more difficult instructions that include things like adjectives or prepositions of place such. There are three sets of printable cards included, the easiest level with some basic common verbs such as 'walk', 'stand up' or 'clap'.
The download includes the following, in A4 and letter sizes: These simon says prompt cards are a great way to review verbs and actions with your students and get them moving around the classroom. You can use the cards without the verbs for any language, or for a completely different game/activity – the sky's the limit! You can also cut out the 4-up on a page card (with or without verbs) for hands-on learning. You can use the full pages (with or without verbs) printed or show them on a phone/tablet, or use in an online class.

The illustrations are fun, simple, totally original and gender-neutral. This version teaches players 12 Spanish verbs: saltar (jump), sentarse (sit down), correr (run), cantar (sing), comer (eat), bailar (dance), nadar (swim), ponerse de pie (stand up), andar (walk), reirse (laugh), escuchar (listen), and darse la vuelta (turn around). As a child masters various commands, Teacher Says is a fun way to reinforce their new skills. 'Simon Says' is tons of fun for kids, and an excellent tool for language learning. As mentioned, this is also an educational game, so make sure that Simon throws in some ideas that help and provide the kids with subliminal knowledge.Instructions in Spanish and English included in digital download. At no point should Simon feel stressed out about the next command! You can always make yourself available in order to help out and keep the activity going.
Make sure that Simon follows our tips on how to be a good Simon, so that everybody involved has a lot of fun.

We’re sure you’ve now gotten the hang of this fun game, and will be able to execute it to perfection. Situation Instructions: Teacher plays Simon Says with a small group of children in a large space with enough room for. Simon says, make very large circles with your arms.Simon says, act like you are ice skating.It’s great fun We don’t make it competitive at allmore like drawing prompts. Simon also says things like, trade pastels, draw dots, and draw a face. Simon says, wave your arms like an octopus in the ocean. Simon says, draw circles, and the artists (in this case Maia and her friend Marlise) draw circles.Example: Simon says, point at something green. Simon says to pretend to be your favorite superhero. Simon Says is a wonderful extra activity to have available for brain breaks in the classroom, large group instruction or send home copies of the small cards with the game ideas for a home exercise program.Simon says, open and close your mouth like a fish.